High-efficiency cultivation technique of oyster mushroom with peanut shell

The economic benefits of cultivating oyster mushrooms with peanut shells can be increased by 9.67% to 21.82% compared with those cultivating with straw. The following aspects should be grasped during the operation.
1. Raw material processing and formulation. Crush the peanut shells into small pieces, and then use them after exposure to the sun for 2 to 3 days. The formula is: 90% peanut shell, 8% wheat husk or rice bran, 3% lime, 2% superphosphate, 1.5% gypsum, 50 grams of mushrooms, 0.15% Kemeiling, material-water ratio 1:1.2~1.4, pH value is 7.5-8.
2. Mixing and stacking fermentation. First, mix the peanut shell fragments with wheat husk, lime, gypsum powder, and superphosphate, add water and mix to wet, add water while mixing, and stack them for about half an hour, then add the Kemelin solution, mix well, stack and ferment for 2 to 4 days , when the material temperature rises to 60 ℃, turn over once. If the raw material is too much water to adjust the humidity, when the shaking temperature rises to 60°C after turning the pile, white actinomycetes appear in the pile and can be scattered.
3. Inoculation and bacteria management. Choose a plastic bag with a diameter of 20-22 cm, a length of 45 cm, and each bag contains about 1 kg of dry material. Divide into three layers of material and two layers of bacteria (and put a layer of material about 2cm first, then put a layer of bacteria, and then put the material to the mouth of the bag about 8cm, and then put a layer of bacteria and add about 2cm of material), The amount of bacteria is generally 15%, tie the bag tightly, and then punch 3-4 air holes in the bag. Then put the fungus bags on the field according to "#", and turn the pile once every 7-10 days. Generally, the mycelium is full in about 25 days. After the bag is full, the distance between the stacks is 60-80 cm, and the piles are generally 5--7 layers for fruiting.
4. Management of fruiting period. During the fruiting period, the air humidity should be maintained at 85% to 95%, and the ventilation should be increased. After collecting the first stubble mushrooms, clean up the surface, and the second wave of mushrooms can be produced in about 10 days. Generally, after 2-3 tidal mushrooms, nutrient water should be supplemented (nutrient water is added with 6 catties of special fertilizer for oyster mushroom or 8-10 catties of diammonium phosphate per 1000 catties of water, 5 bags of mushrooms, 5 catties of potassium dihydrogen, and 30 kg of diammonium phosphate). 0.5 jin of alkanol transfer tide king, 5 bags of gram mold yield increase spirit, can make up 1200-1500 cultivation bags) Generally, 5-7 stubble mushrooms can be produced.

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