How to raise bag material shiitake mushrooms after mushrooming

After the mushroom sticks (or bags) are covered with mycelium, they should be moved out of the mycelium cultivation room of the mushroom house, and moved to the fruiting room or greenhouse to wait for the mushroom sticks (or bags) to produce mushrooms. In this process, how to manage the bag materials to ensure the normal fruiting, and high quality and high yield after fruiting? Generally speaking: it is to do a good job in the temperature, humidity, ventilation and nutrition management of the mushroom house (or fruiting greenhouse). Let’s break it down below:
The first is to reasonably adjust the temperature management in the mushroom house or greenhouse according to the season and the temperature outside the shed (house). For example, there is a big difference in temperature changes between seasons in places below 800m above sea level and in areas of 1200-1400m high mountains. This requires mushroom farmers to operate as appropriate according to the actual situation. However, one core point is that the temperature in the mushroom house or greenhouse should be maintained at 25°C~28°C. If the temperature is too high, the bag material will produce mushrooms quickly, but the quality and development of fruit bodies will be poor, and the yield will not be high. If the temperature is too low, the shiitake mushrooms will be slow to produce, and they are prone to the risk of "bad vegetables".
The second is to adjust the relative humidity of the air in the mushroom house or greenhouse. After the bag material is put on the shelf (or cultivation bed) and the mushroom sticks are moved to the fruiting room or greenhouse, the air humidity in the room (or in the shed) should be controlled at about 90-95%. The air humidity in the mushroom house (in the greenhouse) is controlled at about 85%. When the air humidity is relatively low, the number of water sprays should be increased appropriately. However, when "yellow water" appears on the surface of the bag material on the bed surface, the ventilation in the fruiting room or greenhouse must be strengthened, and the temperature must be lowered to below 20°C, so as to stimulate the fruiting of the bag material through the temperature difference between day and night.
The third is to strengthen the daily management of ventilation, so that there is enough fresh air for mushrooms to grow. If the carbon dioxide concentration in the fruiting room is too high, it is not conducive to the development of the mushroom caps. The well-sealed fruiting room should be ventilated at least 2 to 3 times a day for 20 to 30 minutes, but not more than 45 minutes. Good ventilation can ensure the growth and development of mushroom fruiting bodies.
Finally, after the shiitake mushrooms come out, combined with humidity control (spraying water), the shiitake mushrooms can be sprayed with appropriate amount of various nutritional fertilizers. In order to prevent deformed mushrooms due to the lack of some nutrients in the bag material, after the shiitake mushrooms emerge, a certain amount of foliar fertilizer can be sprayed on the young mushrooms in combination with water spraying to control the humidity, so as to ensure the growth and development of the young mushrooms. 


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