Key Points of Planting Techniques of Stropharia Rugosoannulata

The temperature range for stropharia to fruit is 12°C~26°C, and the suitable temperature is 15°C~20°C. When the temperature is lower than 4°C or higher than 30°C, there will be no mushrooms. At a suitable temperature, the mushrooms will be fast, neat, and the tide will change quickly. Generally, the interval between mushroom tides is 10 days to 15 days. As the temperature rises rapidly, if the canopy is not large enough, the temperature can be adjusted by hanging shade nets appropriately.
Before fruiting, it is necessary to flood the mushrooms with water, and water can be poured into the ditch to increase the water content of the compost and the relative humidity of the air on the site, but the water level in the ditch should not be submerged in the compost for a long time. To check the water content in the pile, pinch the compost with your hands. The compost is soft and moist, and sometimes there are slight water droplets. Keep the drainage unobstructed and avoid water accumulation on the site.
During the fruiting body formation period, the emphasis is on moisturizing and strengthening ventilation. The relative air humidity of about 85% is required in the mushrooming stage. Pay attention to moisturizing the mushroom bed and keep the covering and soil layer in a moist state. The method of light spraying can be used to spray water on the furrow surface. It is advisable to spray water in a small amount and multiple times, and choose to do it in a period when the temperature is relatively low.
Strengthen ventilation and light transmission, and make it directly receive natural scattered light while spraying water and removing the cover every day. The quality of ventilation will affect the quality and yield of mushrooms. When there are a large number of fruiting bodies on the fungus bed, it is necessary to increase the number of ventilation and prolong the ventilation time. When turning over the cover, handle it with care to prevent the small mushroom buds from being hurt.
Harvesting should not be too late, seven or eight percent maturity is appropriate, when the gills of the fruiting body have not yet broken or have just broken, and the cap is bell-shaped, it is the right time for harvesting. The performance is as follows: the mushroom body is short, thick and squat as a whole, the cap is tightly closed, the stipe is hard and not hollow, and the pellicle is not broken. When harvesting, care should be taken to avoid loosening the surrounding small mushroom buds. Press the material surface with one hand, and pinch the mushroom body with the other hand to rotate gently. After the mushrooms are picked, the holes left on the fungus bed should be filled up in time, so as to facilitate the recovery of mycelia and the emergence of secondary damp mushrooms. Remove the residual mushrooms on the bed in time to avoid pests and diseases caused by rot. Keep the mushroom body clean, and don't let the soil on the foot of the mushroom soil the stipe, which will affect the appearance and price of the product. After harvesting the first tide mushroom, it is necessary to make up the water in the material to nourish the bacteria, and the next tide mushroom can be produced after 10-15 days.
Stropharia has strong resistance, and no diseases that seriously endanger its growth have occurred. Before the mushrooms come out, you may occasionally see spiky mushrooms and other miscellaneous fungi, which should be removed as soon as possible. Pests such as mites, springtails and mushroom mosquitoes can be controlled by trapping or repelling them.


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