What is the reason why the shiitake mushrooms do not mushroom after changing color

Shiitake mushrooms are delicious and nutritious, and are common edible fungi on people's tables. Due to the high market demand, and the short cycle and quick effect of the shiitake mushroom planting industry, it has been favored by many growers. During the cultivation and management of shiitake mushrooms, many growers reported that the color of the mushroom sticks was in good condition, but there were no mushrooms. So what is the reason why the shiitake mushrooms do not mushroom after changing color? How to solve? Let's find out together.
What is the reason why the shiitake mushrooms do not mushroom after changing color?
1. Reasons for variety The temperature of the selected variety is different from the mushrooming environment. If the medium-high temperature type is placed in a low-temperature environment for fruiting management or the low-temperature type is managed as the medium-high temperature type, even if the color change is normal, it is still difficult to produce mushrooms.
2. The reason for mycelia is that mycelium is not physiologically mature. Even if mycelium covers the material surface, it cannot produce mushrooms normally due to insufficient nutrient accumulation, accumulated temperature, and insufficient mushroom buds.
3. Reasons for the compost, such as high nitrogen content in the compost, will also delay the fruiting.
4. Effect of temperature The compost is burnt by high temperature, and the loss of mycelium can greatly affect the fruiting.
5. Uneven color change Mycelium or local bacteria are too young and too short to reach physiological maturity. At this time, do not perform color change treatment, otherwise it will be difficult to change color or uneven color change. It is easy to make the bacteria block lose water, cause the surface to be dry, affect the fruiting, and easily cause pollution.
The solution to the color change of shiitake mushrooms and no mushrooms
1. Evenly replenish water
Before pressing the mushrooms, evenly supplement the nutrient water to the fungus sticks, so that the moisture content of the fungus sticks is controlled at about 55%, so as to prepare enough water for the fruiting.
2. Moisturizing mushroom
From the first day of promoting mushrooms, keep the air humidity in the shed not lower than 75%. It is better if the surface of the mushroom sticks is in a moist state, and keep it moist until the flowering begins.
3. Cultivate mushrooms to grow flowers
Choose the weather with a daily temperature of 5-15°C to promote mushroom flowering, which is conducive to the selection of medium and low temperature varieties in the weather at 8-18°C. The temperature in the upper layer of the mushroom shed is 18-22°C during the day, and the lowest temperature at night is about 8°C. The temperature difference is maintained continuously for 3-5 days, at least 2 days.
4. Cooperate with touching the stick to stimulate mushrooms
After replenishing water, cooperate with touching the stick to urge the mushrooms, and then urge the mushrooms according to the above three requirements, the number of mushrooms can be increased.
In general, there are many reasons for the color change of shiitake mushrooms and no mushrooms. In the actual planting management process, growers must distinguish clearly and prescribe the right medicine. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the normal operation of the color change of the mushrooms, and at the same time to avoid the danger of excessive mycelium growth of the mushrooms.


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