Emergency measures for edible fungi production technology after rainstorm

1. Production environment cleaning management
1)Clean up the production area and the surrounding environment in time to ensure the sanitation of the production environment and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria caused by floods and adversely affect the next production.
2)For the sheds that have been fruited or are about to be fruited and have been flooded, if the water can be drained quickly, dredging work is required. Pay attention to safe operation of electricity when draining water. After dredging, spray 40 grams of bleaching powder per square meter; or sprinkle lime powder on the surface for disinfection to reduce environmental pollution. At the same time, keep the air in the shed unblocked and reduce the humidity in the mushroom shed.
2. Shed reinforcement and maintenance
1)Check the firmness of the shed in time, uate whether the production facilities are safe, and confirm that the facilities are firm and safe before proceeding with production activities. If there are cracks in the shed, the mushroom sticks should be transferred to a safe and strong shed in time for subsequent fruiting.
2)If the shed collapses or the shed film is damaged, clean up, repair, reinforce and install when the weather conditions permit and ensure safety. Pay attention to the safety of construction personnel to avoid secondary disasters.
3. Production management of edible fungi
1)On the premise of confirming the safety of the working environment, the fungus sticks soaked in rainwater are divided into mild, medium and severe categories according to the degree of soaking and managed in different areas.
2)For the strains used for production that have been soaked, they cannot be used in production again, and should be re-produced or adjusted from the provenance unit.
3)For ground-grown mushrooms, the fungus sticks should be re-buried in time, and the surface soil should be replaced with relatively clean soil that has not been soaked in rainwater. At the same time, the remaining bare borders should be covered to continue mushrooming.
4)If the newly inoculated bacteria sticks are soaked in water, the bags should be removed in time, the nutrients should be re-deployed, and the bacteria sticks should be re-made.
5)After cleaning the shed for over-summer mushrooms, make a cut in time to release the accumulated water in the mushroom bag to reduce the rotten stick rate.
6)During the germination period, the mushroom sticks should be placed in a clean place with high terrain and good drainage conditions to grow bacteria and fruit.
7)During the high temperature season in summer, pay attention to the use of physical isolation or light trapping to prevent and control insect pests, and avoid using pesticides.
8)Learn from experience and lessons, set up drainage ditches in the production area, rebuild or build edible fungus production facilities must have drainage, and abide by the site selection principle of "high and dry terrain".


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