Eight decisive factors for successful morel cultivation

In morel cultivation, the eight major factors that play a decisive role are climate, bacteria, soil quality, sowing time, temperature, humidity, nutrients and cultivation facilities. Each factor is independent, interactive, and interlocking. Only by cooperating and complementing each other in cultivation can higher yields be obtained.
1. Climate is the first determining factor
The power of nature is awe-inspiring. No matter what kind of cultivation facilities and cultivation methods are used, respect for nature must be the premise. Human control capabilities and control ranges have certain limitations.
2. Bacteria
It is necessary to choose varieties with clear provenance, strong disease resistance, and strong high temperature resistance, and ensure that the selected manufacturers have the qualifications to produce morel strains.
3. Soil quality
It can be cultivated in humus soil, loam soil, and sandy loam soil, but sandy loam soil with higher humus content is better, and it must be soil that has not been treated with herbicides for at least 2 years.
4. Sowing time
In late November, when the daily average temperature drops below 15°C within 10 days, sow seeds should not be planted too early or too late. If the ground temperature is too high too early, it is easy to be infected by miscellaneous bacteria; if the ground temperature is too late, the germination and growth of morel mycelium will be slower, and the accumulated temperature during the growth period of the mycelium will be slow, the growth period will be extended, and normal maturity and harvesting will not be possible. After entering April every year, the temperature and ground temperature rise rapidly, and the temperature and humidity are difficult to control, which will be detrimental to the growth of morels.
5. Temperature and humidity
The main management measures throughout the growth period are cooling and moisturizing. Under special circumstances, drainage and moisture removal are required after snow or rain.
6. Nutrients
Nutrients refer to the content and quality of nutrients in the soil and the quality and quantity of nutrient bags. Using nutrient bags with inappropriate matrix formula and incomplete sterilization will lead to problems such as low or no mushroom production due to insufficient nutrient supply, and bacterial infection of the bacterial bed by miscellaneous bacteria, resulting in reduced production or even no harvest. It is recommended to use nutrition bags with scientific matrix formulas, and the nutrition bags must be completely sterilized.
7. Cultivation facilities
Mainly include greenhouses, greenhouses, simple understory sheds and humidification facilities in the sheds.


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